2 students of the «Bolashak» University became winners of the scholarship «Bilim zhuldyzy»

Uploaded: 31.05.2024Views: 130 time

     The star of knowledge scholarship has been organized by the charitable foundation «Dauletten» since 2020 to support educated, talented young people.

     The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial support to the best students studying at colleges and universities in the country, depending on their social status, and develop their skills in accordance with modern public requirements. The scholarship is awarded to encourage talented excellent students who are active in studies, science and public life.

     The contest «Bilim zhuldyzy-2024» received applications from 987 students from Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and 17 regions of the country who intend to receive scholarships.

     This year's competition is aimed at students of colleges and universities who study only in the paid Department. The best 200 students will receive a one-time scholarship in the amount of 100.000 tenge.

     When determining the winners, students' academic performance, social conditions and indicators of a single test passed within the framework of the competition were taken into account.

     In accordance with the requirements of the charitable foundation «Dauletten» «Bilim zhuldyzy», which was announced for 200 students in Kazakhstan, Maulen Alua, a student of the Mat-23 training group of the Department of «Mathematics and information technologies» and Isaac Nurgalia, a student of the PMNO-22-1 training group of the Department of «Pedagogy and art» won scholarships.