Uploaded: 09.10.2019Changed: 01.01.1970Views: 2463 time

Today, a business meeting was held between the leadership of Bolashak University and a doctor of business administration, a lecturer at the Moscow International Higher School of Business MIRBIS, a member of AMBA and Gildia marketers Vladimir Kiselev, during which a memorandum of cooperation was signed.

Purpose of the memorandum:  

- Teaching technology teachers to develop relevant social and economic research case studies in the “Keykis” format (according to the methodology of V.D. Kiselev);

- lecturing and conducting active forms of training on marketing, managerial, managerial and corporate topics;

-coaching over all kinds of scientific and educational activities, namely, the scientific management of programs, projects and activities as part of activities at the Bolashak university, etc .;

During the visit, Kiselev V.D. He was acquainted with the new campus, he was struck by the scope, size, equipment and achievements of the university. The guest voiced several ideas and suggestions for strengthening and improving the quality of the educational process, made recommendations for the development of science, and donated the author’s methodological manuals “How to write an author's project socio-economic case in the KEYKIS format” as a gift to the university library. We, in turn, are interested and important in such a format of cooperation, specific outlines of further actions have been outlined, and there is already a topic for a future joint case.