University purposes and tasks
The purpose of the University:
- to become an innovative University as a single scientific and educational complex that contributes to the development of the country's socio-economic and intellectual capital, where the integration of education, science, and production is formed;
- meeting the demand for highly qualified specialists in the Republic and the region;
- improving the quality of training of specialists through the large-scale introduction of new information technologies in education, strengthening the integration of scientific research and the educational process;
- entering the international educational space.
Tasks of the University:
- creation of a multidisciplinary University on the basis of Bolashak University, which is a single scientific and educational complex for training specialists who implement advanced ideas in order to increase the competitiveness of the University in the market of educational services;
- implementation of the innovative model of the University, which ensures the integration of universities in the educational space of the region and the Republic and the program of socio-cultural and industrial-innovative development of the region.;
- development and improvement of credit technology of education and language training to ensure innovative competence training of graduates and academic mobility of students;
- ensuring that educational programs meet the requirements of the domestic labor market and the best foreign counterparts and labor market requirements, demand and competitiveness of graduates, recognition of University diplomas at the international level;
- improving the system of training, selection and appointment of teaching staff and specialists, improving their skills, economic and social status;
- conducting fundamental and applied research, ensuring a clear link with the process of science and education;
- professional development of the teaching staff in the best domestic and foreign universities in the field of higher education, postgraduate training, exchange of experience of the teaching staff and students, conducting joint research, transfer of experience in the field of strategic management.
- development of educational activities and resources of the University.