The university has organized a book exhibition dedicated to the famous public figure Saparbayev Berdibek Mashbekovich
04.25.2024 in honor of the memory of the statesman and public figure Berdibek Mashbekovich Saparbayev, a scientific and educational conference entitled «Beren tulga Berdibek» was held at Kyzylorda Bolashak University, and the university library also organized a book exhibition. The exhibition featured books by a famous public figure, photographs, published articles in newspapers and magazines.
In honor of the memory, the atrium hall for 500 people, where cultural events of the university are held, was handed over to the state and public figure Saparbayev Berdibek Mashbekovich.
The book by Kasym Tynystanov, published for the 100th anniversary, was transferred to the library of Bolashak University.
Isyk-Kul State University named after Kasim Tynystanov in the Kyrgyz Republic presented as a gift to the library of Bolashak University a book published in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Kyrgyz scientist, poet, statesman, member of the Alash party Kasym Tynystanov.
Dear students and teachers of the university! Our university has subscribed to the largest paid Russian electronic library IPR SMART for 1 year.
Dear readers! The library of Kyzylorda University «Bolashak» has been replenished with a collection of selected works by Mashhur Zhusup Kopeevich in 5 volumes. The collection includes the works of the poet Mashhur Zhusup Kopeevich on religion, Sharia, science, education, as well as autobiographical poems published in Kazan in 1907. The book is addressed to folklorists, literary critics, students of philological faculties of higher educational institutions, undergraduates and PhD students, and a wide range of readers.
Every year on the day of the city, libraries organize a book festival "Kitap Fest–2023". Bolashak University presented a book exhibition, where the works of university teachers and new books on the specialties of "Bolashak Higher Medical College" and "Bolashak Higher College" were exhibited. We hope that the book festival will become a useful and interesting holiday for residents and youth of the city in the future.
Global SciCall: gratitude for participation as an expert in the national competition of author's works of the new knowledge fund and a certificate for participation in the expert commission from IPR MEDIA was presented to the head of the library J.B. Aldabergenova.
Chairman of the Kaysar volleyball club, head volleyball coach of the region Dautov Abay Sainovich presented two books as a gift to the library of the Kyzylorda University "Bolashak".
Seminars, consortia,webinars with external electronic libraries
Attracts textbooks by foreign authors