Uploaded: 09.10.2019Changed: 01.01.1970Views: 2462 time

A solemn concert dedicated to Teacher's Day “Learning is light, teacher-light” was held at the university, higher college and higher medical college. At the solemn event, the university scientific adviser, Doctor of Economics, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dosmanbetov Bakbergen Sarsenovich, first deputy chairman of the city branch of the Nur Otan party Abdrakhmanov Sharip Akbaruli, university rector, candidate of technical sciences Kuanysh Koishygulovich Daurenbekov made a congratulatory speech.

In honor of the holiday, a number of teachers and employees of the university and colleges were awarded letters of thanks from the party and the university. The celebration continued with a concert, a prominent guest of which was the graduate and pride of the Bolashak University, the winner and laureate of many regional and republican contests, a member of the youth movement Zhangyru Zholy Luts Konstanti. He congratulated the teachers on their professional holiday and performed several songs as a gift.