Uploaded: 05.02.2020Changed: 01.01.1970Views: 2461 time


      5 February 2020 Specialists of the Kyzylordinsky regional center of health care of Alpayeva Dinara and Irsaitova Zhanar settled in a lecture with the students of the University "Bolashak" on the topic "Coronavirus prevention". The parts of the body are transformed into clinical symptoms of malignancy, the high incidence of vomiting, the unconsciousness of being imprisoned with the help of the symptoms of viciousness, the validity of the high level of physical hygiene At the end of the day, the members of the team were able to arterial blood and the need for special specialists in the center to make the best consultations possible.

It is worth noting that the University "Bolashak" collaborates with the regional center of health care in the frames of the project "Health University" and plans to apply to the nursery school within the framework of the single program.