Dear students!

Uploaded: 17.03.2020Changed: 01.01.1970Views: 2461 time

In order to prevent coronavirus infection, "Bolashak" University conducts a training process on remote educational technologies from March 16 to April 5. Consequently:

- According to the schedule, you are required to attend Platonus classes from any location (home, Dorm, etc.). According to the same schedule, attendance is carried out daily in the magazine and checked, according to which audience points, tasks and feedback are conducted.

- Platonus classes (lecture, practice, CPR, laboratory classes) are conducted using the chat button. This program also provides an exhaustive algorithm for conducting the educational process.

- If there are technical problems during the training process on remote educational technologies, you need to contact the mentors of the task force. Due to the fact that classes are not included in Platonus according to the schedule, you are considered not attended.

- Using the Platonus program, you can send a video link to the tasks of teachers, upload a file for verification.

- We remind you that from March 16 to April 5, parents and themselves are responsible for their safety. You must strictly observe the rules of safety and hygiene.

- During this time, you can visit the University or use the material base or have technical equipment (computer or smartphone, necessarily the Internet).


Contact us for any additional questions:

Tel: 87242234515, 87242300165,

WhatsApp: 87016036374-A. Tulepbergenova, 87052031133-A. Tulegenova

Email address:


In addition, in accordance with your specialties, contact the deans and heads of departments of the Higher school and curators of groups.

The administration