Uploaded: 16.07.2020Changed: 01.01.1970Views: 2574 time

The accreditation Council of the Independent center for Kazakhstan accreditation (NCCA) decided to accredit 14 educational programs of Bolashak University for a period of 5 years!

Accreditation of educational organizations is a procedure for the accreditation body to recognize the conformity of educational services with the established standards (regulations) of accreditation in order to provide objective information about their quality and confirm the existence of effective mechanisms to improve it (in accordance with the law on education).

The goal of accreditation is to demonstrate a commitment to quality educational services and training; to obtain an independent assessment of the quality of educational programs and specialists training; to receive recommendations for the improvement of educational programs; to promote competitiveness in the Kazakhstan market of educational services, establish itself in the market of educational services and to ensure the employment of graduates.

The external expert Commission of the NCCA worked at the University from 3 to 5 June this year.

When conducting independent accreditation, experts paid great attention to how competitive University graduates are in the labor market, as well as to the study of educational programs. The experts also assessed the material and technical condition of the University, the experience of applying innovations, modern technologies and teaching methods, and the competitiveness of graduates. Meetings were held with the management and teaching staff, employees of departments, as well as online meetings with students, undergraduates, graduates of the University and employers. The work of the University "Bolashak" was positively evaluated by the members of the Accreditation Council of the NCCA and experts of the VEC.
