Professional development is the path to success.

Uploaded: 10.03.2023Views: 22 time

Professional development is the path to success.


It is impossible not to mention that many dramatic changes are taking place today when it comes to the profession.Life is changing and New new ideas are emerging.Teachers can't help but pay attention to these changes.It flows with the Times.Today, every year there are many changes in the field of education, and professional requirements are set.

The existing traditional knowledge will not be able to keep up with the current technologies.

It is obvious that advanced training courses have a huge impact on the creativity of teachers.

It is known that the success of the student and the quality of knowledge directly depend on the level of training of the teacher.The level of training and professional skills should grow and change every time.Advanced training courses have a positive impact on the growth of such training.

In this regard, in the structural unit "Bolashak" of the Kyzylorda Open University, an employee of the Kyzylorda Police Department, Ilyas Raikhanov, a practicing specialist of the Department of jurisprudence and social disciplines, improved his knowledge in the course of advanced training for Kazakhstani police officers.

We are confident that our colleague Ilyas Raikhanov will achieve great success in the future, sharing his experience and skills on the topic "methods of Ballistic Research" at the Barimbek Beisenov Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

After all, it is obvious that professional development is a great help in the training of professionals today