A lecture on the topic" problems of water management and environmental aspects of the region " was heard

Uploaded: 10.10.2023Views: 2453 time

     On October 10, 2023, a lecture by the chief researcher of the Kazakh Research Institute of rice farming named after Y.Zhakhaev, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Umirzakov Serikbay Idrissovich on the topic" problems of Water Management and environmental aspects of the region "was heard in the conference hall of the University, organized by the Faculty of the Department of Natural Science and sports of the Bolashak University. The lecture was attended by students of specialties of the department together with professors and teachers. During the lecture, the lecturer focused on the existing water problems in the Kyzylorda region, gave detailed scientific data on the Causes, Consequences and elimination of these problems. At the end of the lecture, the lecturer answered the questions asked by teachers and students and further developed their scientific and cognitive views on this problem.