Contacts with graduates of Kyzylorda University «Bolashak»

Uploaded: 18.10.2023Views: 2460 time

     One of the main indicators of the university is the employment of graduates. Graduates of Kyzylorda University «Bolashak» according to the educational program «Librarianship» (Nuryshbekova Nurgul Kozhabekovna 2011, Kurmantayeva Gulnara Sakhievna 2015) today work in the library of the gymnasium school No. 264 named after T. Yesetov.

        In order to exchange experience, senior lecturer of the University Abenova Zhamal Anuarovna met with the director of this gymnasium school Tumurzaev Bek Sultanbekovich and shared her opinion on further improvement of the library. In addition, they visited the coworking center, the electronic library, the bookrossing of the school library, successfully implemented the knowledge gained from the Kyzylorda University «Bolashak» in production, sincerely rejoiced that they were working without looking up from the news of the libraries of the world, and listened to their questions. Thanks to the book, Zhamal Anuarovna gave librarians a lot of advice that contributed to the further expansion of students' knowledge, and also made the main task of introducing them to reading by holding modern types of events. They also exchanged views on the main documents that guide libraries. The librarian graduates also expressed good intentions that professional ties should continue, and not be interrupted.