Uploaded: 04.12.2023Views: 2460 time

     As you know, Bolashak University plans to hold a subject Olympiad in all districts of our region and issue internal university grants to students who are recognized as winners by the decision of the commission. The next event was held at the lyceum school No. 110 of the Zhanakorgan district. The number of participants in the Olympiad was very large. Thus, a large number of school graduates in any region are the product of high-quality education, conscious education of students of Bolashak University, which is a fundamental educational institution in the region.

   During the event, students and teachers were given specific information about the material and technical capabilities of the university, changes in the UNT. At the end of the meeting, representatives of the university during the winter holidays invited students to visit the university building, various subject rooms and laboratories, dormitories, and take a guided tour.