Uploaded: 30.11.2023Views: 2460 time

   The information and propaganda group of Kyzylorda University «Bolashak» attended the subject Olympiad and career guidance among school graduates from each district of our region.

   Today we arrived in the village of Zhosaly, the center of the Karmakshi district, where there was a sacred address, the native soil of many talents, the Eternal parking lot of the priest Korkyt.

   An Olympiad in physics and biology was held in the main school of the district, school No. 250 named after Hero of the Soviet Union T.Komekbayev, which was attended by gifted children of the district.

   I was pleased with the children's desire for the Olympics and the desire to study.

   The second stage continued in the assembly hall of the school with explanatory work on career guidance and mini-concert performances by creative students of our university.

   About two hundred students from the district center and villages took part in the subject Olympiad.

   On the legendary soil of the Korkut priest, the event dedicated to the young graduate of Kyzylorda University «Bolashak» delighted both the organizers and the participants.