Uploaded: 28.02.2024Views: 41 time

In order to implement the internal academic mobility program, from 12.02.24 -23.02.24, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova, PhD Karazhanova M.K. for students of Kyzylorda University "Bolashak", lectures were held: "Modern technology and technology for the development and operation of oil and gas fields on land and at sea."

Topical issues of the development of the oil and gas industry are considered, including the features and effectiveness of the development of oil and gas fields on land and at sea, oil fields in Kazakhstan and modern equipment and technologies used in them. The classes held aroused great interest among the learning audience.

Summing up the results of the internal academic mobility program and the lectures held, PhD Karazhanova Maral Koilybaevna was thanked by the university management and awarded a special certificate.